

immagine SuperScienceMe 2020: REsearch is your R-Evolution

SuperScienceMe 2020: REsearch is your R-Evolution

La notte dei ricercatori: SuperScienceMe 2020 – REsearch is your R-Evolution.

immagine SuperScienceMe 2020 – REsearch is your R-evolution

SuperScienceMe 2020 – REsearch is your R-evolution

La notte dei ricercatori: SuperScienceMe 2020 – REsearch is your R-evolution.

immagine RI-URBANS: RI Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in EU Urban&Industrial Areas

RI-URBANS: RI Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in EU Urban&Industrial Areas

The project objectives are:demonstrate how Service Tools from atmospheric Research Infrastructures (RIs) can be enhanced to better address the challenges and societal needs concerning air quality (AQ) in European cities and industrial hotspots; respond to the urgent needs to reduce air pollution across EU by providing enhanced AQ observations in support of advanced AQ policy assessment; develop and enhance synergies between AQ Monitoring Networks and atmospheric RIs combining advanced science knowledge and innovative technologies to develop pilot STs.

immagine AIDA – Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis

AIDA – Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis

Immaginate di svegliarvi al mattino, trovare un androide che vi prepara il caffè e poi vi accompagna al lavoro. Un altro vi aspetta in ufficio e poi ce n’è uno che risponde alle vostre e-mail. Si comportano come noi perché hanno imparato a pensare come noi, agire come noi, semplicemente osservandoci e memorizzando dati. Bene, ora smettete di immaginare, perché tutto ciò sta già accadendo.

immagine ASAP – AutomaticS in spAce exPloration

ASAP – AutomaticS in spAce exPloration

The principal aim of the ASAP project is to design and develop algorithms for the automation of operations on board space missions, based on the use of artificial intelligence techniques to be implemented on the on-board processors.